Match Results 2021: Round 18
Venue :
Woodland Lakes, Thirsk. Lakes: Partridge, Skylark. Date:
Friday 15th October, 2021. 18 fished. Weather:
Covid-19 Procedure:
At all times keep at least 2
metres (6 feet 6 inches) from anyone else and wear PPE (personal
protective equipment) at your discretion.
Fishery feed pellets only from the onsite tackle shop.
See rule board for latest rules.
The Draw
The draw will be done on
Facebook Live at 7pm on Thursday evening before the match. This
website will be updated with the peg numbers if you miss the draw.
Match Fees
Keith Fryatt will collect the match
fees from you at the cafe from 8:30am.
Cost: £12 for anglers. Peg Fee
is £7 if you have not paid already.
Please bring correct money.
The Match
For the safety of everyone,
please do not vacate your peg to wander around or visit another
angler before, during or after the match.
Please lay your nets out to dry
(weather permitting) and don't put them in the lake until 10:45 am
Fish 11am -
4pm (5 hours).
Please split your
fish sensibly between nets.
The Weigh-in
The club will do the weigh in.
When the scales man arrives at your peg, the requirements are that
you take your net of fish out of the water and place your fish in
the fishery weigh sling positioned in a cradle by the side of your
peg maintaining 2 metres distance away from anyone else.
Should you not be able to take the net out yourself a pre-designated
club member will assist you by taking your nets out for you,
remembering to maintain the social distance. The
scales man will lift your fish from the cradle and weigh them. The
weight will be recorded by the club official. The fish will be
returned to the water by the scales man. Repeat this procedure
for each net of fish.
The Results
At the end of the match please
wait at the fishery car park for the payout and
results announcement. Any winnings will be given to you in a sanitised envelope. If you don't
want to wait, the results will be updated on here after the match or
the following day.